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Salsarica (Copy)

CHF 0.00
Type: Tanzkurse
Place of course
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Immerse yourself in the exciting world of Salsa and discover your passion for dance. Close new friendships, keep physically fit and leave the stress of everyday life behind you.

Whether for bloody beginners who want to be introduced carefully, or for experienced dancers who are looking for more meat on the bone - Salsarica has the right course for you!

They offer you more than 50 evening courses and a workshop weekend every month so that you can work on your dance skills. Your qualified dance teachers will teach you in an entertaining and effective way so that you can make progress in no time.

More info via:

Place of course: Salsarica, The Salsa Dance Factory, Pfingstweidstrasse 101, 8005 Zurich

    The prices for the subscriptions and courses on our
    The platform are without guarantee.

    For more detailed information on the various subscription options and the associated costs, we ask you to visit the partner's website or to inform you by phone.

    Hersteller/Anbieter: DanceCorner

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