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Passion to Dance

CHF 0.00
Type: Tanzkurse
Place of course
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The Passion to Dance is a fitness and dance studio led by Lara and Tamara, both of whom are passionate Zumba fitness trainers. However, they offer much more, including Dayo, personalized training plans, power workouts or massages. They are all called to discover the fun of the movement with them, whether young or old. No matter whether professional or beginner: in - you get you on tour!

More info via: www.passion-to

Place of course: Binnenkanalstrasse 1247, 9434 Au, Switzerland


    The prices for the subscriptions and courses on our
    The platform are without guarantee.

    For more detailed information on the various subscription options and the associated costs, we ask you to visit the partner's website or to inform you by phone.

    Hersteller/Anbieter: Passion to Dance